Download PatchPrinter


When PatchPrinter isn’t activated yet, a dialog will show upon start. To activate PatchPrinter, you will need a personal activation key. This can be bought by filling in the contact form on the PatchPrinter websitePlease note the both the “Name” and “Key” fields are case sensitive!


To use PatchPrinter in DEMO mode, you can cancel the activation dialog. Everything works, but Saving, Printer and Exporting will be disabled.

Messed up your template file? Download the default basic template file HERE.

This is an EXAMPLE FILE showing the possibilities of PatchPrinter. Thanks Pieter!

Current Version: 2.00b81a (6-9-2024)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug preventing PatchPrinter to show the wrong modes when replacing a Library Fixture with a Custom Fixture.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing a Dimmer.
  • Added Swiss CEE 200A, T13, T23, T15 and T25.
  • Added Australian Flatpin (Type I).
  • Added the option to select a Cable Type when printing Loom Cable Labels.
  • Added the option to set a custom length for a loom cable to create staggered loom.
  • Added a Toolbar above the Resource Tree to quickly expand and collapse object categories.


2.00b80 (20-6-2024)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing imported looms to have the wrong Loom Type.
  • Fixed a bug preventing looms to assign an item to the last cable.
  • Added EtherCon as Cable Type.
  • Added a check to prevent the Power of a Fixture to be connected to a Data Cable.
  • Fixed a bug causing PD/Dimmer Channel Numbers to be incorrect when selected “Single Row, 1 Channel”.
  • A loom cable now also can have a custom name, even when there is no cable assigned.
  • Fixed a bug causing printed pages to have an incrementing offset from the top.
  • Added the possibility to print Labels directly to a PDF.


Version: 2.00b79 (14-5-2024)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing custom fixtures to loose their mode after reopening the file.
  • The Loom Location and Type is now visible in the Loom Sheet.
  • Network Item can now have an Subnet Mask.
  • The Universe Type and Number is now visible in the Data Distributors Sheet.
  • For a Label Element you now can fill in a string on which there should be a new line. For instance in the Fixtures Element if you set it to ‘+’, it will print all different types in a new line.
  • Now you can set your own Multiplication String: Instead of ‘4* Mac Aura’ you can change it to ‘10x Mac Aura’.
  • When using ELC dmXLAN Node GBx 8 Slaves, the master will be shown as well in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • ELC dmXLAN Node GBx 8 Slaves now show their Parent Switch ID and Slave Number on in the ID Field on a Label.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Loom Names to be imported.
  • The Looms in the Resource Tree now also show the Loom Type.
  • The Loom Type can now also be displayed on a Label.


Version: 2.00b78 (27-3-2024)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug in the generation of PDF files in the publish dialog.
  • Footer license is now autoscaling when using a long license name.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when double clicking on the Unverses in the Resource Tree.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to not import Generic Fixtures.


Version: 2.00b77 (13-3-2024)

Release Notes:

  • When X, Y and Z are imported, these can be put in a Label.
  • Fixture Short Name now can be remembered for future use.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to show the wrong label when printing labels.
  • Now you can choose between Horizontal and Vertical when using Multiple Item Labels.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to ignore the Data Distributors fixed port mapping.
  • Added the option to generate a PDF file when publishing.
  • Added the option to publish all saved sets including export files at once in a “Global Publish” option.
  • Added Wilco 32A as Power Feed option.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to ignore the Location Override in the Data Distributor Sheet.
  • Added a function to prevent the Fixture Powerfactor being set to 0.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to display the original Location on a label when a Location Override is used.


Version: 2.00b76 (1-9-2023)

Release Notes:

  • Added Object Code field for Data Distributors.
  • Added the option to drag Universes to Data Distributors in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Added the option to drag Universes from Looms to Network Items in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Added the option to drag Universes from Network Items to Looms in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Added the option to drag Cables to Looms in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when using custom fixtures.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to disconnect all secondary and tertiary connections after loading the file.
  • Fixed a bug causing an offset when dropping an object.


Version: 2.00b75 (18-6-2023)

Release Notes:

  • Undo/Redo.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing templates.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing Cover Template Elements.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter not to print te Location Color for Multi Channels.
  • Added the locations of the connected fixtures to the Data Distributor Sheet.
  • Added the object it’s connected to In the Loom List.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter not to print the Power.


2.00b74 (11-2-2023)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the text in the PD/Dimmer Patch Sheet to have the wrong colour when using Location colours.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when using a Custom Fixture Library.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when pressing “Unselect All” in the Print Labels Wizard.
  • Fixed a bug to not assign all PD/Dimmers to another PD/Dimmer.
  • Added the “Break In” to the possible Cable Conversions. When used, the Channels of that Cable can be directly connected to all Outlets of a PD/Dimmers that have a single channel.
  • Added the option to export a MA2 Patch XML. All fixture types have their own layer and need to be replaced by the MA fixture profile.
  • Added the option to start the Channel Nr of a PD Bay with a custom number.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Split to be cleared when a Fixture is dragged to a new address in the Universe Sheet.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when having a PD/Dimmer template with the option “Table Header On All Pages” unchecked.


Version: 2.00b73 (23-12-2022)

Release Notes:

  • When replacing a Fixture with a Fixture with more parameters, you will get a warning.
  • When there are double patched Fixtures at a Universe, an alert icon will be shown for that Universe.
  • Added preferences for the default multi channel count.
  • Added the option the change the multi channel count in the Add Cables wizard.
  • Fixed a bug causing a Power Summary sheet to show an extra table header when being added via the Add Sheet wizard.
  • Added the option to show the Notes field in the DMX Patch Sheet.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter not to print the last Bay on a PD/Dimmer Sheet.
  • Added the option to set a custom Dimcity for the Data.
  • Added the option to print a Location label.
  • Added the option to import the Loom Location.


Version: 2.00b72 (19-9-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing the Universe List to show strange modes.


Version: 2.00b71 (3-9-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Switching a fixture mode now can be done in the properties.
  • Added a Notes field to the PD/Dimmers.
  • Split universes now takes the amount of devices into account.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when showing the Progress Dialog.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Progress Dialog to show a false double fixture number.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes.


Version: 2.00b70 (30-5-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash using the Print Labels Wizard.
  • Fixed a bug causing Looms being empty and having only a single cable type when opening a file.
  • Fixed a bug causing PD/Dimmers being empty when editing a template used in the file.
  • Fixture Labels in the Print Labels Wizard now are sorted according the selected “Labels by Type”.


Version: 2.00b69 (20-5-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing a PD/Dimmer.
  • Added a new Hardware Count Sheet.
  • Added an option to play or not play a bell when autosaving.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when importing from another PatchPrinter file.
  • Fixed a bug causing trouble when addressing a Dimmer.
  • Fixed a bug causing trouble when addressing imported fixtures.
  • Fixed a bug causing the DMX Patch Sheet to render improperly.
  • Added the wattage when importing a LightWright xml file.
  • When importing a LightWright xml file, Absolute Address is also imported now.
  • Fixed a bug causing several import options not to use the selected cable type.


Version: 2.00b68 (13-5-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Import locations with their weight and color info.
  • Added a fixture weight field. This can also be imported.
  • Added import fields for X, Y & Z. This is used when exporting to dmXLAN.
  • Added to option to print Power Feed labels.
  • Added a Wizard to print all kinds of labels.
  • In the label templates there is a new option to indicate what the labels is used for. When printing, only these labels will appear.
  • Added te option in de label template to include a custom spacing between multi label items.
  • Added Cover Page templates to the template manager.
  • Added the option to import dmXLAN files.
  • Added the option to import parts from another PatchPrinter file.
  • Fixed bug filling data distributors


Version: 2.00b67 (16-3-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when importing a .csv.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when duplicating multiple looms.
  • Import and Export MVR file.
  • Support for US type racks (Loads between phases).
  • Fixture now also have a Stand Alone option for the Power.
  • Added various options to the userpreferences.
  • Minor bugfixes.


Version: 2.00b66 (13-2-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Switching Sheets now also directly selects them in the Resource Tree so their properties can be edited in the Property Grid.
  • Fixed a bug preventing overloaded bay channels to color orange or red.
  • Fixed a bug causing fixtures dragged to a universe not being patched.
  • Fixed a bug causing replaced fixtures using the old footprint when being patched.
  • Added “Custom Fixed Patch” to the PD/Dimmer template in addition to the Default and Hot Patchable option. When selected, a new Section labeled “Fixed Patch Outlets” will appear. Using this Patch Mode, you can make outlets which are not wired in a straight way.


Version: 2.00b65 (21-1-2022)

Release Notes:

  • Added various Nema cable types.
  • Fixed bug causing importing PD/Dimmer templates to fail.
  • Fixed bug when using multiple 3-phase outlets in a single bay.
  • Fixed bug causing to ignore Universe Splits when importing.
  • Added the option to position the text in a PD/Dimmer column and PD/column header.
  • Added an option to the preferences to open new sheets in “Full Width” mode.
  • Improved maintaining the same connections when a PD/Dimmer template has been changed.
  • Improved patching fixtures to a Universe.


Version: 2.00b64 (31-12-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug preventing setting the phases in the PD/Dimmer Template manager bay.
  • Added the option to import a SCAD Re-Event Export (.xlsx) file.
  • OSX Build now is universal (Apple Silicon and Intel 64Bit).
  • Minor bugfixes.


Version: 2.00b63 (20-12-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added Loom templates to the Template Manager.
  • Added the possibility to import Looms from a .csv file.
  • The Template Manager remembers its last used window size.
  • In a PD/Dimmer template when using a bay with a three phase cable as Outlet Type, you now can choose to prevent drawing the Outlet in a single row.
  • Fixed bug when using universe splits and printing Data Distributor labels.
  • Fixed bug when using universe splits and printing Loom labels.
  • Added the option to Print Universe Split Labels from the Resource Tree.


Version: 2.00b62 (7-12-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed scrolling in MSW in the Progress Dialog.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing a PD/Dimmer with fixtures connected directly to that PD/Dimmer.
  • PatchPrinter now plays a system sound when the perform action was not successful. The reason can be found in the statusbar at the bottom.
  • Added the option to export to a XLSX file, ready to import in SCAD Re-Event.


Version: 2.00b61 (2-12-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added a Location Override property to Cables and Universes. This allows the location colour to appear in the Loom Cables and Cable List Sheet.
  • Added Requirement Sheet for DMX, Power or both.
  • Added a Fixture Location Sheet.
  • Added an option to the preferences to make de power adjust file read only.
  • Added the option to use a (Multi)Cable as Auxiliary Bay Input.
  • Added the option to use a Cable as feed for a PD/Dimmer.


Version: 2.00b59 (17-11-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug in sorting Data Distributors in the Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Included Power Feed max current in the “Show Progress” dialog when there are violations.
  • Fixed bug causing dimmer curves to be reset to the first curve after reopening the file.
  • Lots of minor bugfixes!


Version: 2.00b58 (24-9-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Lots of minor bugfixes!


Version: 2.00b57 (11-9-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added a new Universe Sheet. Here you can see all the channels of a universe and the fixtures patched to this universe. You also can drag a fixture to a certain address.
  • The Length and Note are now included in the Loom Sheet.
  • Added “Address Dipswitch” (yes, you still might find them..) as label element.


Version: 2.00b56 (5-9-2021)

Release Notes:

  • In the DMX Patch Sheet in Edit View, Layout Type “Sorted by Universe”, there now are clear indicators for gaps and double patched fixtures.
  • Fixed bug causing aligning universes to fail.
  • Added an option to mark a Fixture as “Skipped”. This will be striked through in the DMX Patch Sheet and Fixture Sheet, but remains in all other calculations.
  • Added the option to show the worst case neutral current in the Power Feed Summary Sheet.
  • Fixed bug causing a crash when having a Label with a custom Image.


Version: 2.00b55 (2-9-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Images can now be included in the PatchPrinter file.
  • Powerfactors of fixtures can now also be saved for future use.
  • Powerfactors are now included in the current and power calculations.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when opening a DMX Patch.


Version: 2.00b54 (30-8-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug causing the DMX patch sheet to draw over the footer.
  • Fixed bug causing the DMX patch sheet not drawing a universe on a new page when this layout type is selected.
  • Fixed bug causing Fixtures directly connected to a PD/Dimmer not to show up in the resource tree.
  • Fixed bug causing some sheets to scroll to a different position when dragging an object.
  • Fixed bug causing assigning fixtures or dimmers to a universe to fail.
  • Added the option to fill in a number while skipping labels
  • Added the option to use Fixture Type and Mode on a label


Version: 2.00b53 (26-7-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added the option to set an alternating row color override for each bay.
  • Various bug fixes.


Version: 2.00b52 (17-7-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Improved Warning icons and Progress.
  • Fixed a bug causing al cables to be a Schuko after opening a file.
  • Improved (Re)Addressing Fixtures.
  • Fixed a bug causing Bay with multiple outlets to show the wrong loads.
  • The Import Split column now can be the same as the Universe column as long as the universe number and split are separated with a comma, dot or the configured DMX Split string from the Preferences.


Version: 2.00b51 (11-7-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Implemented Auxiliary Bay.
  • Added support for exporting ELC dmXLAN nodeGBx 8 Slave nodes to a .dxl file.
  • Fixed bug causing the number of channels of a Cable not to update when changing the cable type.
  • Fixed a bug preventing to print PD / Dimmer bay labels.
  • Double clicking a PatchPrinter (.pxp) file now will open that file directly in PatchPrinter.
  • Fixed a bug causing replaced fixtures not to update in te active sheet.
  • Fixed a bug causing Power Feed names not to update.


2.00b50 (28-6-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when assigning Data Distributors to a Dimcity.
  • Improved DMX information in the PD / Dimmer Sheet.
  • Improved switching template in the PD / Dimmer Sheet.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to show non-existing Unassigned DMX lines in de Dimcity Summary Sheet.


2.00b49 (22-6-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when importing a .csv for the second time.
  • Improved drag and drop in all sheets in Print View for Windows.
  • Fixed bug in the PD/Dimmer Patch Sheet when having multiple CEE outlets in a single bay.
  • Changed the way the defaults templates are delivered. When opening PatchPrinter for the first time, PatchPrinter will automatically download the default basic template file. This prevents overwriting your modifications to the templates when installing an update of PatchPrinter.


2.00b48 (7-6-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing fixtures to loose their patch info when dragged to a dimmer.
  • When importing a .csv you now can match with a fixture that is not in the fixture library yet.
  • Added extra options to the Fixture Sheet (Fixture Summary, Header On All Pages, Table Header On All Pages & Header Between Types).
  • Fixed a bug causing a crash when changing a color in the Location Manager.
  • Fixed a bug causing undefined behaviour when adding a sheet via the Sheet Wizard.


Version: 2.00b47 (2-6-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing certain .csv imports on Windows to fail.
  • Set the path to a Custom Fixture Library. This library will not be overridden when updating the Fixture Library.
  • Add fixtures which are not in the library via the wizard.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when dragging a universe split to a Data Distributor.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing universes or cable used in a Data Distributor or Loom.


Version: 2.00b45 (19-5-2021)

Release Notes:

  • 3-Phase Bays are now drawn in a single row.Added the option to create templates for Data Distributors.
  • Improved scrolling in the Windows version.
  • Universes with a split now can be assigned to only single Data Distributor port.
  • Added “Open Recent” to the File Menu.


Version: 2.00b44 (12-5-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Changed “Multi’s” to “Cables”.
  • Added the option to create templates for Data Distributors.
  • Fixtures now can be dragged directly to a PD/Dimmer.
  • Looms and Data Distributors now can be dragged to a Dimcity Summary Sheet.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when removing objects.
  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when publishing.
  • Fixed a bug in the PD/Dimmer sheets preventing choosing a template or conversion.
  • Added the most common fibers cables to the available cable types.
  • Added the ability to duplicate label and header elements.


Version: 2.00b43 (28-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when importing a CSV.
  • Added the option to auto fill in the Universe Short names.
  • Auto assign the used DMX lines to the nodes in a Dimcity.
  • The number of inputs can be specified for a DMX Splitter and a port can be linked to an input. Ports with the same input need to have the same universe.


Version: 2.00b42 (16-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed a crash after changing the amount of bay outlets in the template manager to a greater number than the number of bay channels.
  • Fixed a crash on Widows when typing in the Filter Control.
  • Added the option to not automatically abbreviate data in the PD/DImmers sheets.


Version: 2.00b41 (13-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added the option to show the ‘Note’ column in the Fixture Sheet.
  • Fixed the Statusbar.
  • Fixed bug in the Dimcity Summary Sheet causing a table header to be draw unnecessary.
  • Fixed bug causing PatchPrinter to crash when label templates with multiple items were selected.


Version: 2.00b40 (12-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added Location Colours, perfect for Touring!
  • Added Preferences for Default Multi Cable Type and Default Universe Type.
  • Added an option to mark empty cables in a loom as Spare.


Version: 2.00b39 (9-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Implemented Generic CSV export.
  • Fixed Bug crashing PatchPinter at start up when running Big Sur (only in the last version, due to the newly added statusbar). The statusbar will return when it’s fixed.


Version: 2.00b36 (8-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Improved Power Feed wizard. Defaults to the Max current for the selected cable type and the default selection is Powerlock.
  • Added Statusbar where the last actions can be found. Also, reasons when an action fails can be found there.
  • Improved unnecessarily expanding or collapsing Resource Tree items.


Version: 2.00b35 (7-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Added the possibility to drag a multi channel to a multi channel. This is the equivalent of using a break in.
  • Speed improvements. (!)
  • Filter templates when adding.


Version: 2.00b34 (4-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • PD or Dimmers which can be hot-patched now include the available outlet count and types. This will prevent patching to too many outlets and also lets you patch to various outlet types. You will need to update this in your racks, sorry!
  • Added an option to name new multi’s alphabetically in addition to numerical.
  • Resorts when the name is changed of a Multi or Universe or when the fixture number is changed of a fixture.
  • Added Warning in the progress dialog when a multi is patched to multiple racks.
  • Fixed sizing in the registration dialog on Windows.
  • Fixed a bug where changes in the sheet template were not immediately visible.
  • Copying bays now will ask you to copy the name as well.
  • Improved Tree Expand/Collapse state.


Version: 2.00b33 (2-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Fixed bug while renaming a sheet not showing it in the tab name.
  • Added Fixture Multi and Multi Channel to dmXLAN Export.
  • Fixed bug where dragging a Universe split to a Loom or Data Distributor caused the split to dissapear.
  • Changed the default Template location on Windows


Version: 2.00b32 (1-3-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Insert / Delete Label and Header Elements
  • If you’ve edited a PD/Dimmer Template which is in use by a PD or Dimmer loaded from file, you will be asked to update it’s template
  • The path to the Template file is now correct when installing PatchPrinter for the first time
  • Fixed Bug Power in Fixture wizard
  • Fixed Bug adding or duplicating a PD/Dimmer Template


Version: 2.00b31 (27-2-2021)

Release Notes:

  • Improved dragging Universe Splits
  • Improved Progress Dialog
  • Fixed Bug where the Fixture power remained 0 after filling it in in the wizard
  • Generic Bug Fixes